Support The Treaty Signers Project

Your contribution can help return land to Indian nations and people

Make a contribution today

More than 10 years of research has gone into the development of the Treaty Signers Project. Since 2007, independent scholar Martin Case has led a team of researchers looking into the identities of the men who represented the United States at treaties with Indigenous nations. The results of that research have been compiled into this website.


To date, funding for this work has been provided by the non-profit Indian Land Tenure Foundation, a national community based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. Your support will ensure that work continues to tell the real story of U.S.-Indian treaties.

Why contribute?

ILTF is the only national organization serving Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. Your support can take many forms depending on your interests. Many people are supporting the Beyond Land Acknowledgement Fund in honor of a loved one. Others choose to support the general ILTF mission. Thank you for your support.

Search the database

The dashboard offers an interactive view of the Treaty Signers database which is a compilation of the Treaties signed between the U.S. and Indigenous nations with information about the people who signed them and why. This tool makes it easy to visualize the impact of treaty signing at the national and global level and filter the database by treaty, individual signers, land cession numbers, states and data range. Click the ‘Get Started’ button to begin exploring.